Individual extraction systems for trade and industry

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a handicraft enterprise or an industrial enterprise – Scheuch LIGNO provides the optimum individual solution for any company in the furniture industry. Thanks to decades of experience in the wood sector, Scheuch LIGNO knows the specific requirements and challenges of the industry very well.

Scheuch LIGNO has tailor-made solutions for the furniture industry in its range with the sepas, segus and selas extraction systems. These systems feature high efficiency and flexibility. In handicraft enterprises, older systems must often be adjusted to current regulations. Scheuch LIGNO has developed particularly cost-effective solutions for this. Scheuch LIGNO also always has the best extraction system to hand for high, short-term material peaks or very different base materials.

Furniture industry

High efficiency and flexibility

Increasing complexity, shorter delivery times, cost pressures – these are just come examples of subjects that the furniture industry has to consider every day. Scheuch LIGNO has tailor-made solutions for these furniture industry requirements in its range with the sepas, segus and selas extraction systems. The high energy efficiency and flexibility of the solutions lower the costs and therefore delivery times sustainably.

Woodworking and joinery

Cost-effective solutions for older woodworking workshops

The woodworking trade is particularly versatile. And Scheuch LIGNO’s solutions for the trade are just as versatile, always focussing on cost-effectiveness. Scheuch LIGNO always endeavours to find solutions to problems that often occur in older joinery workshops. On the one hand, expertise from industrial systems has been transferred to dedusting solutions. With the DeDustpro filter series, even relatively large quantities of material can be moved and sustainably utilised with the sophisticated disposal options. On the other hand, Scheuch LIGNO has developed solutions for old brick silos with or without pressure relief so that they can be adapted in accordance with current regulations. This means that the heating and silo can continue to be used cost-effectively. Scheuch LIGNO attaches great importance to this sustainability.

Carpentry and timber construction

Optimum extraction system for short-term material peaks

The requirements for joinery are usually short-term material peaks. The air volumes of the processing machines are often less than 8,000 m³/h. For this reason, Scheuch LIGNO has incorporated the experience gained from countless industrial plants in the development of the DeDustpro dedusters in order to achieve a high separation efficiency. This means that the dedusters in the DeDustpro series can even be used for these high requirements. As several dedusters can also be used, complete solutions can be realised. In addition, a product range of up to 40,000 m³/h is available with the compact filter.

Parquet and flooring production

Problem-free extraction of various base materials

A high dimension of cleanliness is required in parquet and flooring production. Due to the use of different base materials, such as medium-density fibreboard (MDF), high-density fibreboard (HDF) or wood, the requirements for separating the extracted shaving/dust mixture are sometimes very different. With the Scheuch Ligno filter series, these requirements can be optimally met. The different surface layers (PVC, laminate, wood …) are also challenging in the production of parquet and flooring. The reasons for this are the increased wear and tear or the sorting accuracy of the separated material. Scheuch LIGNO has decades of proven solutions for all these problems in parquet and flooring production.

Furniture industry

High efficiency and flexibility

Increasing complexity, shorter delivery times, cost pressures – these are just come examples of subjects that the furniture industry has to consider every day. Scheuch LIGNO has tailor-made solutions for these furniture industry requirements in its range with the sepas, segus and selas extraction systems. The high energy efficiency and flexibility of the solutions lower the costs and therefore delivery times sustainably.

Woodworking and joinery

Cost-effective solutions for older woodworking workshops

The woodworking trade is particularly versatile. And Scheuch LIGNO’s solutions for the trade are just as versatile, always focussing on cost-effectiveness. Scheuch LIGNO always endeavours to find solutions to problems that often occur in older joinery workshops. On the one hand, expertise from industrial systems has been transferred to dedusting solutions. With the DeDustpro filter series, even relatively large quantities of material can be moved and sustainably utilised with the sophisticated disposal options. On the other hand, Scheuch LIGNO has developed solutions for old brick silos with or without pressure relief so that they can be adapted in accordance with current regulations. This means that the heating and silo can continue to be used cost-effectively. Scheuch LIGNO attaches great importance to this sustainability.

Carpentry and timber construction

Optimum extraction system for short-term material peaks

The requirements for joinery are usually short-term material peaks. The air volumes of the processing machines are often less than 8,000 m³/h. For this reason, Scheuch LIGNO has incorporated the experience gained from countless industrial plants in the development of the DeDustpro dedusters in order to achieve a high separation efficiency. This means that the dedusters in the DeDustpro series can even be used for these high requirements. As several dedusters can also be used, complete solutions can be realised. In addition, a product range of up to 40,000 m³/h is available with the compact filter.

Parquet and flooring production

Problem-free extraction of various base materials

Bei der Parkett- und Fußbodenherstellung ist ein hohes Maß an Sauberkeit gefragt. Durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Trägermaterialen, wie zum Beispiel mitteldichte Faserplatten (MDF), hochdichte Faserplatten (HDF) oder Holz, sind die Anforderungen an die Abscheidung des abgesaugten Späne-Staubgemisches teils sehr unterschiedlich. Mit der Scheuch ligno-Filterbaureihe sind diese Anforderungen bestens bewältigbar. Die unterschiedlichen Deckschichten (PVC, Laminat, Holz …) sind bei der Parkett- und Fußbodenherstellung ebenfalls herausfordernd. Gründe dafür sind der erhöhte Verschleiß oder auch die sortenreine Trennung des abgeschiedenen Materials. Scheuch LIGNO hat für alle diese Problemstellungen in der Parkett- und Fußbodenherstellung jahrzehntelang bewährte Lösungen parat.
